The guy sitting next to me pointed to the sky :" It will be raining soon." He said
" rally?" I replied
-Oh yeah, you didn't notice the thunder?
I didn't bother to tell him that the only thing that I am seeing is a very clear sky, and really it's too early for rain
He then asked me if I go to Cal ( as in UC Berkeley), pointing to my backpack..
And I just said
- Oh, No
And then an awkward silence followed...
The poor guy waited for me to say something, but I really didn't know what to say..
I could've asked him if he goes to Cal? But honestly I didn't care
I could've asked him if he was going to Fremont? But that was where the BART was headed anyways...
It's been a long time since I have given up on small conversion with strangers because I don't really like them...
But then I felt bad, the poor guy felt awkward... I wanted to tell him that really " I have manners.." My mom even has thought me how to treat my Landlady's kitten: With Respect!!!
I wanted to tell the guy I was not trying to ignore him, even though he was bald and was wearing ragged clothes.. I even thought of asking him if he was Iranian? But then he wasn't and I knew the answer...
The only thing that I wanted to talk about was my friends
:" Dude they are strange, all of them.. I just noticed it the other night in my birthday Party. G made a pass at R right in front of her husband and when I objected he said she will be happier with him ,and Believe me "R," is very happily married. L who is single started giving marriage advice to "B," who is married and they don't even know each other...
And then there is N who has found god, and is really nice to me in order to redeem herself for being a jerk in highschool.She even prays that I find god too , and that is flat out scary because I possibly cant be nice to the people I have been a jerk to, there are simply too many of them..
And then "M," who only watches Indian Movies, and keeps asking me why I dont marry "A"? "Really he is a cool chap, what's wrong with him?" If you know her you would know it's really hard to explain to her that I can not marry a guy who has never asked me out!!! and "S," who leaves the party to go to the corner liquor store and buys even more vodka and drinks it right in the store, and then comes back to party and sleeps on the floor... My mother says if you are drawn to freaks, you are most likely a freak yourself."
I wanted to ask the guy if he thinks I am a freak? and if there is a slight chance of me becoming Normal...
He left at "Union City," without even saying goodbye.
I think this could've been the beginning of a beautiful friendship...
But he didn't hang around enough to get to know me better..
he just left, i Guess because he had to go home..
Small talks have never been my favoriate, they are not meaningless enough!!!