you know you have a persian ceo when you find this memo in your mailbox first thing on a tuesday morning:
To All,
as some of you may know the world cup soccer games will be held in germany starting June 9th. please view the attachment for a complete schedule of the matches and note that I will not be available during the marked time slots. also, please do not schedule any meetings during the blocked hours as we'll be screening the games on the flat screen in the board room. you are more than welcome to watch the games with us. all times are pst.
Nobody's at home...
the Lawn is begging me to be mowed...
Vaccume cleaner is winking
Bathroom is thinking maybe if I have a guest over he/she will get the much needed cleaning
The empty fridge...
Unmade beds...
a suspicious smell...
Nobdy is at home...
Sometimes it is good to have a mother or a father for that mater around..
They will love u even if u cry for them...
they will pretend that it will all be ok...
there will be some food, and some noise in the house
When did we all grew up??
What happened? we were fighting over the ice cream the other day all four of us...
Nothing is the same...
The baby sister is now the emotional center, she now gives us all spiritual advice and healthy food recepie...
She used to crawl, she couldnt talk,,,
Everybody at the doctor's office knows me by now..
they tell me it's not a big a deal, I will feel better soon...
they are nice..
that's what they should be NICE
because paitents are sick..
a healthcare professional learns to control his/her rage
they only get angry to make u aware..
or that was what dad did...
"Ur kidneys, Ur kidneys.." he made me cry
" I am making u cry so u know how important ur health is..." he said
It was raining yesterday, it's not good for the vegtable garden...
I have a lump in my throat..
I want a mom or a dad...
I only can cry for them...
Not my brother, not my sisters, not him, not my friends, not even the ducks in the duck pound...
I hate empty homes...
I hate them passionatley...
Nobody should live alone..
it's a crime..
What have you done with your life? Did you get a PhD? Did you become an artist? Did you floss? Did you feed the birds by the beach on an overcast morning? Did you have a one night stand? Did you ever buy someone a gift for no good reason at all? Did you collect stamps? Did you make a million dollars? Did you save anyone's life? Did you try bungee jumping? Did you cook? Did you get published? Did you get high? Did you steal? Did you spend hours and hours staring at ants? Did you ever rank first in anything? Did you ever truly meant it when you said those three words? Did you climb a mountain to the very top? Did you watch porn? Did you smile at strangers coming towards you in a crowded sidewalk? Did you cheat on the love of your life? Did you pray? Did you ever pull the trigger? Did you ever starve because you couldn't afford a sandwich? Did you donate blood? Did you have a threesome, a menage-a-trois? Did you teach anything? Did you plant a seed? Did you do yoga? Did you protest? Did you ride the waves? Did you read history? Did you pay your taxes? Did you ever drive forty minutes at three a.m. to go to a restaurant on your own just to prove to yourself that you're just fine being lonely? Did you make your parents proud? Did you play the violin? Did you escape? Did you find your soulmate? Did you buy a house? Did you brew the best cup of coffee ever? Did you play videogames? Did you ever pour your guts out while flirting with someone on the phone from dusk till dawn? Did you attempt suicide? Did you give birth? Did you travel? Did you keep a secret to yourself and yourself alone, for good? Did you solve a most complex non-linear equation of fifth degree? Did you read the economist? Did you masturbate in a public bathroom? Did you recycle? Did you make a huge mistake, twice? Did you speak four languages fluently? Did you ever feel truly alive, without ecstasy?
Not that it matters what you did, but did you enjoy it? If so, good for you. If not, you're just normal, so don't worry about it. This too shall pass.
q : what would a desperate fob computer geek ponder on during a minimum of four hours of driving per day for four days in a row?
a : so which song is a stronger aphrodisiac: this, or this?
slightly in favor of the former, he ultimately decides to run a nation-wide campaign and survey both female and males of different races, incomes and marital stati*. the results shall define the soundtrack of his bedtime sessions; prost.
* he's also extremely disappointed at English literature since 'stati' is not a word, it totally beats 'statuses' both visually and phonetically; he decides to use it regardless.
i would want to say it's the overcast, i'd want to say it's the wine, i even considered her being busy and not showing up, but that's not it. the balcony in front of me is a mesmeriazing mix of gray shades. the radiohead covers are hardly as good as the originals, but they do. a window on the building across from me lights up, so unthoughtful, so incosiderate, how dare they disturb the slumber of my dim view...
it's two thousand sixteen and i'm late for work. she's on her way to drop gina at school. i reach for my breifcase and i knock my coffee over the counter. i drop the paper towels on the mess and leave it to the maid, she's used to cleaning up my shit. keys in my hand, i triple check my cell and my wallet, and i head for the door. i turn around and reach for my lunch, i lock the door, unlock it, take my tennis hag, slam the door shut, lock it again and run for the closing elevator door. I halt the door with my foot and squeeze in, i see your shoes, raise my head, and sigh to find out it's not you. i press play on my cell, and paranoid android takes over, and over, and over...
it's two weeks ago and i'm looking at her across the table. i can't stop visualizing her in ten years. i can't stop thinking about our lives together, is there one? i'm pathetic, i'm not present, she feels it, i kiss her lips and her hands take over, and over, and over...
in a few minutes i'll know if it's over. a few minutes ago i felt something, then the world stopped revolving around me, temporarily. staring at the pitch black scenery in my sight, i let the wine take over, and over, and over...
and it all keeps repeating itself, over, and over, and over again.

My Friend, my high school buddy...
my friend a lot of memories...
me and my friend teenagers, me and my friend talking about boys
my friend asking me if she studies physics or chemistry more..
I better at Chemistry, she better at Physics...
I a bitch, I want butt kissing 24/7, my friend get tired back stab me..
I cry, we no longer friends...
high school ends we make up and forget the past..
we grow up, my friend meets a guy he asks the question my friend asks me what should she do?
My friend marries another guy...
My friend call me, she pregnant..
I tell wow!!! but me freaked out deep down,.,
my friend calls me, she big, its 7 months now...
my friend freaked out " I dont know if I am ready for this, at home all time, big huge, baby kicking, waddaya think?"
I feel creepy, but keep straight face .. I lie to my friend : It will be alright..
u strong, u brave, u kind, u smart if u a bad mother then who be a good mother?? ha?
U should have kid, because u great, u excellent..
back in the day I promise me not to lie
I lie I know but not friends, not high school friends, I lie to assholes..
but friend in need of lie, so I lie
good friend lies sometimes, good friends no honest all time..
good friend smiles when dont want to sometimes....
no believe ur parents..
honesty no best policy,,,
no speak ur mind
Things I dont aspire to be, do and stuff
1. Becoming the lead singer of a band..
or being in a band in general..
2.Becoming a college Professor
3. Being pretty....
4. Write for New Yorker..
5. Watch any movie with Tom Cruise in it..
6. Go to a coldplay Concert
the week is about to expire, my sister is crossing the globe in the air as i'm typing these, i still hate my job and my savings account balance is at an all time low.
the weekend is about to begin, my girl is starting to feel more comfortable with me, we finally turned in our proposal's portfolio and i'm going to a cute little winery on sunday to try out their new pinots.
i've got a thousand reasons to be sad and another thousand to cheer up. all there's to do is to choose one side, depressed or hyper, i could justfiy either one. what am i saying, i'm indecisive. i am a mellowdrone, f**k it man, try and get out while you can...