Sometimes i wonder if i was born the right person?
Since i was born i had every opportunity a human being could ask for.. I had a loving well to do educated family who has always been there for me....
I had been sent to the best schools, it was instilled in me that anything but "A," is unacceptable.. I was a good student by any standards..
my grandfathers both started from dirt poor and made something out of themselves..
one of my grandpas started from not having shoes to wear in rainy days as a child to being one of the biggest patrons of art and literature.. He even married my grandma because of her family connection..
my other grandpa started off as an orphan and ended up traveling all over the world in his cargo ships..
my ideal jobs are Brista in a coffee shop, bar tender, assistant in the whole foods bakery, tour guide...
I have promised myself not to ever go back to cubesivlle.. even if it means i have to work minimum wage for the rest of my life..
I don't even like to own a car, i wish i could walk to all my destination and occasionally ride buses..
i prefer hostel to hotels..
i hate overachievers,and their success story.. i prefer to have cancer than spend time with those kinda people..
i have no future plans or ambitions..
sometimes i think i am taking up the space of that smart ambitious girl down in Afghanistan or Africa who has tons of dreams but is forced to get married at the age of 12 and has 4 kids and is widowed by the age of 27!!
Sometimes I wonder what would my hardworking grandpa said about me had he been alive?
sometimes i wish i wasn't born into ambition and success!!!