much ado about nothing

a blog about non-achievement


A most annoying misconception of the modern times has got to be that of acknowledgment. She is indeed a literary person, a total over-analyzer, herself being no exception to her first law of being : Facts must be identified, discussed and acknowledged. She has most definitively identified herself as a perfectionist, and she acknowledges her own annoying behavior. She fails to realize that acknowledgement does not in anyway justify her unreasonable expectations, or help her come across any less annoying for that matter.

Thinking of it, my boss (ab)uses the exact same technique. So did my mom when she didn't like who I was going out with at the time, makes me wonder if I do the same. I most certainly do : I acknowledge my miseries, then conveniently do nothing about them, as if they're supposed to vaporize once I talk about them; they never do.


At 4:06 PM, Blogger linda said...

my dad used the same technique.. he would ask us wat's wrong and when we addressed the issues, mainly concering the very low allowances!!!, he would say well you might be right...
and then nothing would change...
i always thought of stealing money from him..... but he instilled so much discipline in us, it was impossible..

At 8:56 AM, Blogger linda said...

well.. i think my parents had some love for me..or maybe courtesy..

At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god, I'm like that! I never realized it was an annoying habit though. [gets really quiet all of a sudden]

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shahin, maybe she is getting it hard on herself only,not on others, do you still think she is annoying? you know, I'm so like that too, but this is all inside, outside is sunny. Well, maybe this is only justification, maybe it indeed is annoying...

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Sh. said...

one's expectations from others is not her own business, it's an encounter, an interaction, so it does involve others around one, especially the closer ones.

It's said that acknowledgement is the first step towards recovery, but I think it's only so if one does something about it, solely saying it does not suffice.


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