"Maybe Life is doing nothing in a beautiful spring day
Maybe love is only a kiss, and a smile
Maybe we wait too long for nothing
Maybe we are too complicated for our own good
Maybe stories dont need an Ending or Even beginning..."
She asks me how she should shed pounds, since she is not chasing after boys and I tell her : "Well don't eat."
She tells me it's impossible since she lives in south... All the foods are fucking deep fried.,
I tell her to move to a blue state where everybody is a Liberal, and eats healthy food..
Deep fried and Northern California, that's so 1849... We now eat raw.. Salads, even Avocado is having a hard time making it here...

My only decent pair of shoes has a hole in it... my mom said that my aunt said the shoe store usually has good sales on Wednesdadys..
and I said :" you know what T.S Eliot says , "April is the cruelest month..."" and she asked me what does that mean...
I felt an urge to go to restroom...
P.S: NPR has a program on behavior analysis of airport bagagge screeners...
P.S2: I am supposed to call my Vegeterian Ecuadurian friend to go out and have some drinks... We sit there drinking and she keeps complaining that the drinks are not strong enough, and I have to pretend that I am not drunk either.. then she feels like going to karaoke and I have to sit there and watch her sing and support her...
I wish we could only hang out in a coffeeshop having Soy Latte'.. Me and the South American Buddy

So we planned this trip to San Fran some one month ago, me and my buddy from Toronto and a couple of my friends. Leave for San Fran on Tuesday, hang around and catch up with some people we knew in town, leave for Tahoe on Thurs, stay two nights and head back for OC on Saturday.
So I met my uncle from Tampa in Vegas on Sat, and the Tarof contest fired up before we knew it. Next thing I knew he was joining us for the whole SF trip...
We drove 7 hours yesterdayt; So last night my uncle is talking me out of the Tahoe trip for which I've paid $320 for two nights (no thanks to him for the last minute changes that made me reserve an extra room), my Toronto buddy is telling us we're not at the right Hyatt where his friends are havin drinks so we have to head back and drive around, and A. and N. look as bored as it gets walking down Columbus hand in hand.
What the hell is matter with me? Why can I not just say NO? Someone, anyone, please shoot me, please.
Yesterday I bought a pair of designer pajamas... It was on sale, half off and I had lots of coupons.. so it was a steal at that price..
I came home, wore it received compliments.. And slipped out of them before going to bed...
I went to bed in my old PJ's..... I want to take good care of my designer PJs
what about my invisible friends?
what about them?
we've gone thru hell together
so that must mean something

If there was one thing about the Deep Dish gig that was worth the absurd $70 admission fee it was the giant turbo-charged nuclear fog machine; It took less than 5 seconds each time to flood the room in a white thick mist that lasted a good 2 minutes before anyone could literally see anything around him/her.
When it happened for a third time in a row and I was nowhere close to her for a third time in a row I decided I won't let go of her side until the next one. When it finally happened three hours later at 4:30am she was way too drunk and I was still dancing with my invisible partner. Deep in the white abyss I gently touched her bare back's skin and softly kissed her on her tender lips. She kissed back of course, probably a bit too generous with her talented tongue. I slowly let go and pulled back before the fog faded out; Mission accomplished, safe and sound stepping aside, needless to say my entire being filled with satisfaction. She steps forward and whispers into my ear : I hate that fog thingie. Then to my disturbed - very disappointed - look she elaborates : some asshole just kissed me on my lips, and there wasn't much I could do about it.
I wonder what it would have felt like had she been able to actually do something about it...
The bar... is an exercise in solitude. Above all else, it must be quiet, dark, very comfortable - and, contrary to modern mores, no music of any kind, no matter how faint. In sum, there should be no more than a dozen tables, and a client that doesn't like to talk.
Luis Buñuel
Luis Buñuel
One day I'll be published. Someday I'll never have to work in this stupid cubicle anymore and I won't have to spend an hour on the phone to realize my vietnamese client doesn't know what double-click means. One day I won't be a boring engineer, instead I'll smile and wave to the crowd while I'm signing my first book. Someday I'll finally be somebody...
One day a publisher contacted me. She wanted to publish my pieces and I accepted. This was three years ago, and I have not replied to any of her seven emails ever since.
I hate my job.

The to do list:
I wanna do a lotta things.. but i feel like i just wanna go back to sleep..
i have to do Christmas shopping.. but then why i have to exchange stupid presents for the 100th times with the people that i dont care about?
i have to call up couple of friends to go out and do something fun.. but all i really wanna do is stay in bed and maybe watch a movie...
i need to clean my room, but then it will become messy and dirty pretty soon so why bother..
i have to go to mechanic and talk about my car with him, but honestly i have always prefred walking to driving... i am kinda fed up with driving anyways...
i feel like screaming at my dad, but since i didnt have breakfast i dont have enough stamina for that..
i dont even wanna blog anymore... but then this thing has just started and i am like a kid in candy story....

wanna seem busy at work? walk fast.
walk fast to the bathroom.
walk fast to the cafeteria.
walk fast to ur car at the end of the day.
walk fast once around the floor.
look frantic.
even though they don't know where u're going, it will seem like u have a goal and u're going to achieve something. so much do they know.