My only decent pair of shoes has a hole in it... my mom said that my aunt said the shoe store usually has good sales on Wednesdadys..
and I said :" you know what T.S Eliot says , "April is the cruelest month..."" and she asked me what does that mean...
I felt an urge to go to restroom...
P.S: NPR has a program on behavior analysis of airport bagagge screeners...
P.S2: I am supposed to call my Vegeterian Ecuadurian friend to go out and have some drinks... We sit there drinking and she keeps complaining that the drinks are not strong enough, and I have to pretend that I am not drunk either.. then she feels like going to karaoke and I have to sit there and watch her sing and support her...
I wish we could only hang out in a coffeeshop having Soy Latte'.. Me and the South American Buddy
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