so i can't get my sde script to work. some totally-irrelevant-extremely-annoying
invalid database name error has been popping up since monday when i ran it first, and i just can't figure out what the hell is wrong with it. i read some 100 threads on esri's support forums and no luck. the little voices in me advised being proactive, urged me to create an account and post my own message, make progress.
so i hit the red button, and heck what do i know, i already have an account there. all i have to do is enter my email and have my password reset and sent to me instantly. all the information matches, so i get to this one last confirmation page with my customized verification question, which of course i myself have picked whenever i had created this account.

my secret question : what is your dream job?! now that's one hell of a secret question; it's so secret i don't know it myself. this must have been a monday morning when i was still under strong influence of the substances consumed during the weekend. dream job?!! i tried about a 100 guesses, not because i needed the password that badly, sheer curiosity, some insight into my own past maybe. journalist, photographer, stripper, gigolo, ceo, writer, pilot, manager, waiter, barista, walmart greeter, bouncer, janitor, cellist, rockstar, presidency, clown... none worked. double you-tee-ef. there has been a time when i knew what my dream job was, so what the fuck was it?! damn it.