Every morning I make " Chai," but then it's so hot I cant drink it for at least half an hour...I still cant bring myself not to boil the hell outta water
The only reason that I eat salad is because of my favorite dressing, it tastes so good Just like " Ghareghooroot."
The only reason that I study Dr.D's lecture more than everybody else, is not that I think it will be important in the future, it's just that he is so damn cute!!!
The only reason that I am going to the Engagement party that MJ is throwing for S&J on Sunday is that fact that MJ keeps reminding me that I didn't go to her party last time, but she drove an hour to attend my B.Day Party!!! Other than Me and S ( the bride to be)absolutely hate each other ...
The only reason that I invited "L," to stay over at our place during holidays, because she didnt go back home and was alone, is not the fact that we are friends. We are not, I dont even like her.
I invited her over because she told me how she wished her parents could go back to Iran just like my parents, but they cant because they are Jewish and their name is on some sort of black list back in Iran... Honestly it was just my guilt
And the only reason that I registerd to vote was that my mom did it for me.. she is the one concerned about Environment, social justice and stuff... I personally prefer Chaos to Democracy...
Talk about Much ado about nothing
at least you have reasons for doing such and such, i often don't have any.
well really my reasons amount to almost nothing... even if it's "Guilt..."
Can I have the recipe for that SAlad dressing?!
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