much ado about nothing

a blog about non-achievement


this is going to sound very cheesy.

we were waiting for our 23" pizza when he said he'll look into teaching options in ucla. i told him he'd be too dumb to do that, and it came off rather too strong. we talked a bit and everybody said something and pizza arrived and we ate and left.

driving home i just couldn't figure why i did that. why did i tell him he should be too dumb to do that. am i jealous? did i really overreact because i knew i couldn't do that myself and i wanted to? i really hoped it wasn't that, but i couldn't articulate why else i would cough up my objection like that.

i am not jealous. i don't find life very exciting, and he is excited, and that makes me feel insecure.

ok this is worse than cheesy, this is just pure bullshit. whatev.


At 9:08 PM, Blogger Smiling Feline said...

you used "whatev"... you are channeling ziza. hahaha

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, interesting! you got to learn this about yourself. Insecure!! wow !! too much confidence to cover the insecurities!

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Avideh said...

could it be really so? i mean i'm basically not excited about things life offer anymore and i do get cross when people show the fire...its not pure jealosuy more sorta yeah i've been- there- fuck- you- its not gonna- do you- any good- in- no- time and yeah it just more comes to me when others are letting their imaginations go wild...hated to be so but then boredom with other's excitement is so easy innit?


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