i am dead sure that the creators of this have had no idea about how their product is going to be used. apart from my latest obsession, it's proving to be the most relaxing, therapeutic and tranquilizing activity of my spare time. it's the best remedy for nostalgy, and it does bring a lot of memories back; what better way to reassure yourself that you did have another life than finding your school, your home, your favorite late night fast food... obviously the effects of vivid memories on current mood and productivity rate of the addicts is indeed a complicated and controversial discussion outside the scope of this text.
i love the fact that "Ferry Kesafat," has now been officially put ON DA MAP!!!
actually i have never been there.. i just have heard of it, in Ca of course!!
ahhh.. there is nothing in Shiraz!!! Only Samad's home :(
tomorrow during the " Pharmacology Lecture," I will try to find our house..
give it 3 years, u'll get over it!
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