much ado about nothing

a blog about non-achievement


I am blogging here, in order to avoid this Armenian guy who is bored out of his mind and just wants to talk...
I am pretending that I am working on a case study....
The thing with this school is that, I actually like the classes and professors and books, and the library...
It's the people whom I can't stand...pretty much all of them
I prefer to blog about nothing than socialize with them...
They are painfully stupid, or maybe I am stupid..
or maybe nobody is stupid...
it's all about the prefrences, and stuff...
oh and today the Iranian girl who sits next to me and is actually married with a kid was crying becasue she Can't take good notes, I repeat she cries because she cant take good notes...
And also our class repesntatives asked for us to Email them our birthdays, so each month people who were born in that month will have a joint birthday with Cake " Isnt that sweet?" Asked the class representative!!!
And also it has been suggested that we have myspace accounts, so we can connect even more !!!!!
On the upside Berkeley is only half an hour away, now I have a new appreciation for dope!!!


At 9:22 AM, Blogger shadi said...

oh how sweet, let's all hold hands and call barney! excruciating... i relate...

At 2:44 PM, Blogger linda said...

Oh sure, they will give me chocolate cake... to make me feel better...
these people are just too undrestanding...
we even had a name game, that I am not going to explain...
the only fun thing about the school is the prevert Orthodox Jew who runs the Kosher cafe and if you flirt enough with will give you 10c off on the tea and make sure he squeezes the girls hand while give them changes...
And I wouldnt mind holding hands if all the guys in the Class were not Asian or 5 4 Iranians..


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