much ado about nothing

a blog about non-achievement


and it's wave after wave after wave after wave spinning and pulling me down, and it always takes three years, exactly.

i got into this one of a kind school, and i screwed up all my final exams by third grade, like big time. my third year of highschool was exemplary in so little i achieved. i basically stopped playing piano, basketball and didn't study shit, all i did was coding on some stupid black and green terminals we'd just installed. i slam dunked on concours, got straight As the first two semesters, and i was called into the dean's office and almost kicked out the third year after i flunked circuits (ii) for the third consecutive time.

i joined the company exactly three years ago. i got promoted twice, i got two of the largest raises the company has ever granted. yesterday marked my third anniversary in the land of cubicles, i got called into my boss's office and received my notice. i will be laid off in a month if i keep missing the deadlines the way i have done in the past six months.

will you marry me? i'll let go in three years, or your money back.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger LT said...

well at least you know your pattern! I have no idea why and how I keep screwing up my life! may be strange, but if I can actually keep a 3 year commitment for ANYTHING I consider it a success!!!

Good luck with your job!

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'4' is what skipped all of them, the 4th time is better than third...
it's gonna be fine...

At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are gonna be fine, no worries. he should be stupid to let you go.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger linda said...

Actually my number is 4...
or some product of it..
anytimes it gets there, something shitty happens..
Wedensdays are always the worst too...
and Back in Iran they were the 4th day of the week...

At 9:24 AM, Blogger shadi said...

so u suffer from long attention span?


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