" The wedding is at August 5th, down in L.A, you should come. You should DEFINITELY come, A & A will be there too... omigod it will be just like the old time. Like when were kids.."She told me the other day
And I replied back :" I know, I will try to come. Definitely..."
or something like that...
It has been a long time since I have met anybody who has known me from my previous life, all that I tried to erase and forget when I moved here
not that i hated it, no it is just when I move, i move...
i dont look back, there is no point in that...
maybe because i kinda recreated myself here
here i am myself...
back there i was just member of a family, i was too young, too dorky, too anti-social, too much of a book worm, too much of....
It's just that when you move, you move. You better dont leave any pieces behind, cause it's too hard to go back and collect them and try to put them back together...
I loved it back then, there was me and my best friend crazy walks all over the city, the long stops at the bookstore.. the long talks..
and then my grandparents...
My sister's crazy Ex boyfriend who used to call us day and night for years and threaten to commit suicide if she doesn't marry him, even after she married another guy...
The hikes in the weekend, the food, the mountains...
My dad
Yeah there were a lot of things back there, that i liked
but then one day i woke up and went to the airport and never looked back...
i came to a new country, became a new person, changed my major, found new friends, suffered from depression for a while, changed my wardrobe, grew my hair long, dated here and there, traveled alone, fall in love left without a goodbye and never forgave myself, quit my job , went back to school..
For the first time met my dad's family and got to know why my dad never forgave his father yet had a lot of respect for him...
And all the while I was a girl with no history, a girl who came from a far away land long time ago. The girl who didn't talk about the past much, or thought about it..
And out of the blue, my past calls me. This childhood friend, and wants to reenact it. Why? I think that's the way some people are, they dont believe in metamorphosis
They dont know how to move on...
They do everything to shape the flow of life...
Some people call them stupid
I say as long as they are happy who cares...
All I know is that going to that wedding down in L.A will confuse me..
the past me and the present me...
I just know that i brought everything that meant something to me with me...
But knowing myself, I will most likely go . And desperately try to enjoy the company of some childhood friends, that i was never really that friends with anyways..
THeir dad went to college with my dad, that was it...
And will exchange information about the names that i can barely put faces on...
I will feel bad for the girls who married without love,and the boys who became their fathers without ever wanting it...
And I would then remember why i left...
To escape my faith...
excellent... don't go.
or go so u have stuff to write about here and we can enjoy!
harki beh fekreh khodesheh!
that's my biggest issue, i never really 'moved', only physically. i don't know if i want to though, maybe that's my excuse for feeling ok about my failures.
well, before me too many people moved but didnt move to teach me a lesson...
it pays off to be the last one leaving .
i'm no 3 in my herd uswide, no 1 statewide... escapegoat?
my tribe have been doing it for 40 years...
I am practically 3rd generation...
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