Everybody is gone!!! I mean literally everybody
To Germany to support their beloved team. Back home to chase after their long gone power, influence and nostalgia. Somewhere in middle of nowhere to meditate and pray for all the lost souls, a rainforest just to hold hand with the love of their life
To some far away land to chase after their dreams, or maybe chase after themselves..
Everybody is gone...
And I have no complaints...
I have everything to myself, the house, the cars, the remote, myself, my friends, my schedule..
there is nobody to be worried for, there is nobody to argue with, there is nobody to...
It's only me and myself..
I sat down and cut the Costco card into pieces... Now it's trader Joe's, whole foods, Iranian grocery stores, and the vegetable garden..
they are all gone, he is gone...
It's me and my world..
Nothing too complicated, nothing to be worried about..
I am fine, for those of u who got worried and ask , I am really fine
Normal, sometimes happy, sometimes moody,sometimes worried, and sometimes just nothing
Chinese food was delicious today, I cooked yesterday I know to my own amazement it was pretty good!!!
I will go hiking tomorrow and mow lawns one of these days
the car is due for smog check
I will pay credit card bills pretty soon
tomorrow I will be in flea market, will burn 30$ ...
I am still waiting to hear back from schools...
I may move out of state by fall, or may not..
if not I get to meet my highschool buddy in September
I have two books to read and tons of movies to watch..
I have yet to go to my aunt's and have dinner...
I have decided that I will not call my other uncle anymore... once a year is enough, it's ok you cant have a great relationship with everybody who shares a last name with you.. People are who they are
Instead I call my sister more...
It's ok I don't have to Love Eagles anymore it was just a phase..
I don't have to read "Tazkaratol Olia"
anymore, it's hard to read and kinda racist..
It's ok people can make mistakes, including me...
I may never make it...
I may end up a homeless on the streets of S.F
Or maybe L.A
or maybe oh not Seattle it rains a lot there
I may even not write half assed plays anymore..
I may NOT
It's ok.. I have me to myself
I am content
I like it here...
not so bad afterall, ha? ur post sounds like "life" :-)
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