much ado about nothing

a blog about non-achievement


To do list....

1. I should send a transcript to all the schools that have put me on the wait list

2. I should call my sister and discuss the recent divorce of my uncle's sister in law,and the fact that she was married less than a year and ohh she didn't invite us to her wedding

3. I should get used to waking up early in the morning

4. I should respect my 77 year old aunt who has nothing better to do than coming to our place recalling her abusive husband whom she left 30 years ago!!! and be sympathetic to her( you know the stories that even her kids are tired of hearing, but my mom being the last nice person in the family still listens to her)

5.I should stop getting angry at myself anytime I come across the stupid FOB that I dated for 4 months 3 years ago...
I should look at dating a stupid FOB with a goatee, undying love for gossip, and a virgin sister as a mistake that I was allowed to make when I was younger and will never repeat....

6. I should be a better significant other....

7. I should send an extra letter of recommendation with a cover letter to all the schools that have put me on the waiting list

8. I should finish my FAFSA or unless I will be short 50k comes next year

9. I should call this childhood friend whose mother was the source of all kind of traumas back in Iran, since she called my mom every other day trying to compare my grades with her daughter's grades..
you know the same woman who called my father's act of sending his kids to U.S a betrayal to the country and then married her 26 year old daughter off to a 42 year old orthodontist only to have her come and live 10 mins away from me..
I should call her and invite her over for dinner or something,and tell her how good it is to have her around!!!

10. I should reply to my high school buddy's email and tell her how happy I am for her, and the fact that she is 6 months pregnant... and it's not weird at all..
Given the fact that we used to call hot guys in high school together and ran prank calls on them..

11. I should address my anger, trust, and fear issues...
I should address all kinds of issues...

and instead I just like to eat a sandwich and take a nap...
I seriously do...


At 10:48 AM, Blogger shadi said...

excellent :-)

At 10:49 AM, Blogger shadi said...

i should really go write those thank u notes now!

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Bobby said...

my anger, trust, and fear issues need dresses too


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