The other day I was doing my much delayed and desired!! Spring cleaning ( well technically Spring hasn't arrived in Nor cal yet, and I am so looking forward to my Florida trip and some SUNSHINE!!)anyways, I noticed that I barely throw anything away.
I still have the letters and post cards that my friend sent me from Iran when I moved here.. I donno how many moving they have survived..
I still have a flyer from a restaurant in Seattle ( I have been there in Summer of 2002!) I never throw away the jars of my moisturizers and night creams, and put them to some use..Today I sent an email wishing happy birthday to a friend, we have been friends for 20 years and I am only 27.I am still in touch with most of the people I went to elementary school with..
And then there is the crazy habit of organizing. I have one container for my necklaces, rings, and bracelets. I put the hair products on one side of the shelf, the skin products on the other side, and the moisturizer on the shelf beneath .And the next shelves is filled with the mini travel supplies.Even in the refrigerator I am constantly trying to put the likes together..
And now I am thinking what all of these mean? Why I never throw things away? Is it because I grew up in war and I was always told to conserve, that consuming is a sin,that there is a recession plus hyperinflation!!Or is it the fear of loosing?? is it fear?? Or is it me being environmentally conscious?? I was raised that way I suppose..
And then the organizing:isn't it an indicator of me trying to organize and categorize everything, put things into places that I just suppose they belong which makes them more accessible to me???
Why do I always yell at people who are not on time, and call them irresponsible?
Why did I make the Significant other writing down his dreams in order to know himself better?
Why I don't wear a bikini because I used to be in a swimming team and I feel obliged to wear real swimming suit even in Miami beach?
Is it possible that things have no specific meaning and they don't even happen for a reason?
Is it possible that I don't throw things away cause I am lazy??
Is it possible that I organize things cause I like to save myself sometime?
And will one day come that I stop analyzing myself and the world???
Ha ...
for me it's the urge of being in control, I care about my desktop icons, I care about my music folders and I care about organizing my bar shelf in the kitchen, I don't care much about keeping the rest organized since I don't mind if I'm not fully in control of those sections...
i like throwing things away
it's easier that way.
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