much ado about nothing

a blog about non-achievement


I've got lots of friends who are waiting for me to return their voice mails. I've got a good number of emails to reply to, both from friends and strangers. I keep telling myself I really don't have the time. I've also got tons of people expecting me to burn them a copy of that CD I promised when we were together that time. I mean come on, I really don't have time for such things.

I spend hours helping out random people I barely know, going way out of my way to do random favors for random strangers. I cold-email random authors of random articles I read online. I put extra copies of some of my CDs in the car, so if some stranger happened to like the music in my car I could just pop it out and hand it to him/her and enjoy the compliments on my generosity.

I'm sick, life is random, and commitments suck.


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