I am going on a ski trip, but don't have a decent ski jacket.. Well here is the problem, my brother is coming too.. And growing up with a lotta siblings, you learn to share and not buy the things that don't mean a lot to you... He likes to snowboard, I have never been so crazy about snow...
Now we are doing something together,... why??
I planned my life so that it runs in parallel with my family, so that I never do anything with any of them.. I love them, all 300 of them or maybe 3000 or god knows how many.. but I have nothing to do with them..
the last time I traveled with anybody related to me was years ago, and I made the parallel promise..
I love them more when I don't do things with them...
when I don't go shopping with my sisters, or don't go hiking with my father, or don't go to my uncle's utterly boring Christmas parties, or skip my cousins wedding where I get drunk and accidentally hit on a guy who turns out to be my second cousin from my cousin's previous marriage with a German lady who turned lesbian and now is foster parenting black HIV positive orphans...
I love my grandma to death, it's just that there is no use spending all that money and calling Tehran trying to talk to her on the phone.. she is 95 for god's sake she doesn't hear me, she says something I say something else, it's all gibberish. She will probably not know which one of the 30 grandchildren she was talking to...
Oh and my grandpa... I don't want to talk about him.. Cause I remember that he is not with us anymore.. And no that I cant take. I have even talked about that with my therapist....
Family is a mistake that a man makes with a woman, or maybe a man makes with a man, or a woman makes with a woman.. but being responsible human beings they take responsibility and make more mistakes..
it's a messy thing, and yes sometimes messy things are beautiful and very valuable...
like an abstract painting...
But regardless, i still will go with my brother's car to the resort... I will go with friends in the chraterd bus... I know he wouldnt mind the company, and it's actually safer for him that way, since it's late at nite.. but then I still need my sanity
oh and a decent ski jacket..
go to north face outlet in berkely, they had a 30% sale two weeks ago, decent jackets indeed, not inexpensive tho.
You can scotchguard anything . . . even people! ! !
bingo... i gotta go to Berkely con mi hermano!!!! see... it's his teritory...
So I finally watched Annie Hall last night. Looks like I'll be becoming a Woody Allen fanatic now.
It was suprising how influential that movie was. You can take recent things and trace back to that movie: little bits of language - phrases you hear in every day language, and, recent movies, TV shows - When Harry Met Sally (?), Seinfeld (?) . . .
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